Finance manager vacancy

General description HARD

HARD is a multidisciplinary team consisting of members. The Team has gathered students from various institutes of the Hanze University of Applied Science, as well as the University of Groningen. HARD has four departments that encompass a variety of different studies starting from engineering and mechatronics to business management and communications. All volunteers spend one or more years with the team in order to apply the theoretical knowledge they gathered in a practical environment.

Description of function


 At the beginning of the academic year, the treasurer is responsible for formulating a budget for that academic year. He/She is then responsible for overlooking, evaluating and adjusting the budget in accordance with varying circumstances that happen throughout the year. The budget consists of all expenses the foundation takes on, including the engineering expenses, communications and acquisitions, management and overhead and foundational.


 All ordering goes through the treasurer. The position is in charge of ordering assets for all the divisions.


 Keeping good contact with our accountant helps with the overall finances of the foundation. As such, the treasurer is responsible for creating HARD’s invoices. Subsequently, uploading them to the Exact Online software.

Managing Divisions

As the Finance Manager you are responsible for the management of the Acquisitions- and Communication Departments. This means you are making sure that enough income is being generated to make sure that you can justify the budget that you set up at the beginning of the year. This is done with the help of sponsors that provide us with either cash, or in store credit. To help you with the recruitment of these sponsors, you will have a whole acquisitions division to make sure that you can reach as many companies as possible.

In the beginning you will be responsible for the recruitment of the members of this division too.

The management of the communications department will also be under your supervision. This department is responsible for the event management for the activities we provide for our volunteers, but also for the (online)marketing for our brand. This shares a lot of interests with the acquisitions, so this is why you will be overseeing both of them.


What We are Looking for in You


 The most important aspect we are looking for is motivation to learn and develop together with HARD. As we are a foundation run purely on students, we look primarily for engagement and potential development over experience in work. HARD is the place where you will begin your work experience. 


The treasurer is one of the three crucial positions of the foundation. As such, the role has to be taken seriously and with a lot of consistency and initiative

Organisational Skills

 A lot of capital, assets and information flow in and out of the foundation. As such arranging this constant flux requires some organisational skill.


You need to be fluent in Dutch as well as English


What We are Offering Back

In short, we offer a platform for professional development and learning. Being a part of the board of a foundation comes with great responsibilities, as such each responsibility provides tasks that allow you to develop very tangible and specific skills. These skills will therefore provide the backbone to your professional career.

In addition we provide a space, where motorsports enthusiasts gather and all strive for their common goal to build an electric car. Thus, the foundation aims to mimic the experience that a real professional racing team would provide, while in the meantime allowing you to continue with your studies.